Jerry and Kimberly Dirmann
Jerry and Kimberly are the founding and senior pastors of The Rock, the Anaheim Foursquare Church. The Rock is a multi-campus, multi-language, church with eighteen congregations.
Jerry served our Foursquare family as National Youth Director from 1995 to 2000. Jerry is also the author of Operation Solid Lives, a discipleship system that has served tens of thousands of students in hundreds of churches in fifteen countries.
Jerry and Kimberly have been married since 1987 and are best friends. The passion of their life and family is living every day following the plan of God. They have two adult children: Alexa and Jonathan who is married to Marlene, and one granddaughter – Riley.

David and Tiffany Dirmann
David & Tiffany Dirmann are the Lead Pastors of our Anaheim English congregation. They have a deep love and belief in the local church, and a passion to see people released in their gifts and calling. They also serve as our worship pastors, bringing the heart and presence of God through their songs, teams, and recordings. David speaks regularly on our Anaheim Campus and leads the staff and campus in daily ministry. They were married March 3, 1999 shortly before coming to partner in launching The Rock with Jerry & Kimberly. David & Tiffany are madly in love with Jesus, each other, and the church, and have 3 sons (Miles, David Jr., and Jake) and a princess named Zoë.

Carl McAulay
Pastor Carl McAulay is a Senior Associate Pastor at The Rock, in Anaheim, CA. and has attended the church since 2003.
Carl retired in 2005 from the business world as Vice President of a major oil company and began full-time ministry. He has led many departments at The Rock such as, Church Operations, Finance, Administration and Pastoral Care.
Carl and Terrye met in a small church in Inglewood, California and have been married for 35 years. They have 4 children, 5 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren in the U.S., and 31 grandchildren in Jinja, Uganda,
Pastor Carl is an ordained minister and has a Bachelors and Masters of Science degree in Electrical Engineering. He is well know for his series “Moses and Me.”

Ty Austin
Ty & Lilia have both been at The Rock since 2002 and married in 2008. They have 3 kids, Faith, Jude, and Jewel. Ty has served in a number of roles at The Rock, including J12 Pastor, Junior High Leader, Young Adults Pastor, Executive Assistant to Pastor Jerry, among other roles. He is now serving on the Executive Team overseeing The Rock’s Satellite congregations and leading the launch of new campuses.
Ty and Lilia both have a passion to see the Church of Jesus Christ expand across the globe and love their current role in seeing that happen through The Rock’s multiplication of campuses.

Tristian Fenholt
Pastor Tristan Fenholt is currently one of the executive pastors at The Rock overseeing finances and administration, and serves in our Central Offices that support The Rock holistically. Pastor Tristan first came to The Rock in 2001 and has been on the staff since 2002.
He married his wife, Erica, on June 21, 2010. Erica owns a women's clothing boutique in Yorba Linda, CA and also partners with her husband in ministry. Tristan served as a youth pastor at the Anaheim Campus for 5 years. He and his wife both launched the Seal Beach Campus in 2011 and served as the lead pastors until 2016. They enjoy life together, and love seeing people impacted by the Word of God and receiving the love of God.

Dr. Leslie Keegel
Dr. Leslie Keegel is The Rock’s prophetic elder and the National Leader of The Foursquare Church Sri Lanka. He is also founder-president of Colombo, Sri Lanka’s LIFE Bible Institute, which has more than 1,000 students in training.
Under his leadership, the number of Foursquare churches in Sri Lanka grew from two in 1983 to more than 1,700 meeting places today, and Foursquare Sri Lanka has become a missionary-sending organization to India, the Middle East,
Europe and other locations.
Dr. Keegel is also the chairman of the Eastern Council of Foursquare Churches, a fellowship in the Asia-Pacific Region that covers more than 30 nations and represents 26,000 churches.
Leslie and his wife Belen pastor Living Way Church in Colombo, the headquarters of The Foursquare Church in Sri Lanka. In addition, they were recently appointed as the Senior Associate Pastors of Living Way, a Foursquare Church in Bellflower, CA. They have three adult daughters and two granddaughters.

Jack Hayford
Dr. Jack Hayford is The Rock’s apostolic elder and serves as Chancellor of The Kings University (formerly The King's College and Seminary) in Los Angeles and Dallas, which he founded in 1997. From 2004 to 2009, he also served as President of The International Church of the Foursquare Gospel. He is probably best known, however, as "Pastor Jack," founding pastor of The Church On The Way in Van Nuys, California, where he served as senior pastor for more than three decades. A prolific and best-selling writer, Pastor Hayford is the author (or co-author) of more than fifty books and has composed 500 hymns and choruses, including the internationally known and widely recorded "Majesty."
He is an acknowledged "bridge-builder," helping to forge healthy bonds among all segments of the Body of Christ. He is recognized for his balance in preaching God's word, avoiding extremes while not diluting or compromising the demands of truth. Pastor Jack's heart to bring unity across all denominational and racial boundaries has given him an open door to minister in all kinds of settings.
Dr. Hayford and his wife Anna have four children, eleven grandchildren, and a growing number of great-grandchildren.
Anaheim, Ca

Fernando & Rosa Maria Castillo
Nacidos en Colombia, los pastores Fernando y Rosa María han estado casados por 42 años de los que han servido en el ministerio por más de 30 años. Tienen dos hijos, Fernando y Rosemary y tienen también seis nietos.
Durante su caminar en Cristo plantaron iglesias en Colombia durante 12 años y luego vinieron a los Estados Unidos en el año 2001 y fueron pastores asociados en The Church On The Way – La Iglesia En El Camino, hasta comienzos de 2013. Durante los últimos años también han servido como maestros del Instituto Bíblico IBA, han sido Superintendentes de Distrito y actualmente coordinan ministerios hispanos en Foursquare Southwest District y son los pastores líderes de la congregación en español en las instalaciones de Orangethorpe Anaheim.

Kien & Sarah Do
Vào năm 2004, Chúa đã hướng dẫn Kiên Và Sarah đến với The Rock, nơi mà họ lập tức cảm nhận được sự hiện diện của Chúa tràn đầy trong bầu không khí yêu thương và hiệp một. Vài tháng sau đó, ông bà đã gia nhập Hội Thánh Nhi Đồng và đã bắt đầu cuộc hành trình đầy hào hứng và khích lệ qua việc đào tạo và trang bị "Thế Hệ David" trong lẽ thật Kinh Thánh để các em biết các em là ai trong Đấng Christ. Ông bà đã được bổ nhiệm làm những Mục sư phụ tá cho Hội Thánh Nhi đồng tháng tám 2008, và đã là các Mục sư Hội Thánh Nhi Đồng vào tháng ba năm 2009. Kiên và Sarah đã chăm sóc các lãnh đạo và hội viên của Hội Thánh Nhi Đồng và cùng vui vẻ chăm sóc hàng trăm trẻ em mỗi tuần. Chúa đã gieo Lời của Ngài trong tâm linh của họ qua chương trình đào tạo môn đệ CHIẾN DỊCH ĐỜI SỐNG VỮNG CHẮC.
Vào tháng bảy 2011, Kiên và Sarah được bổ nhiệm làm các Mục sư Hướng dẫn của Hội Thánh The Rock tiếng Việt. Ông bà đã được ban phước quá đỗi trong việc chăm sóc cộng đồng tuyệt diệu nầy và cùng phục vụ với một đội ngũ phi thường.
Kiên và Sarah đã kết hôn từ năm 1991 và cùng hưởng niềm vui nuôi nấng hai người con, Grace và Nathaniel.

Ken & Kelly Park
할렐루야 !
The Rock 한인교회 싸이트를 방문해 주신 여러분을 진심으로 환영합니다.
The Rock 교회는 영어, 스페인어, 베트남어, 그리고 한국어 이렇게 4개의 민족이 예배하고 복음을 전하는 하나의 교회입니다.
담임 목사님은 제리 디어맨과 킴벌리 디어맨 목사 부부이며, The Rock 한인 교회는 켄 박 (박정기 )목사와 켈리 박 사모가 담당교역자로서 섬기고 있습니다.
The Rock교회는 Come, Hear, Do 의 목표로 찬양, 기도, 제자훈련, 소그룹 모임, 그리고 2세들(Now Generation)과 청년들을 focusing 하여 사역을 하는 교회입니다. 우리 교회 성도들은 서로 사랑하며 섬기고 기도하는 공동체입니다.
여러분의 가정, 사업, 자녀 그리고 각 개인 모두 하나님의 은총이 함께하시길 기원하며,
방문해 주신 여러분 모두를 주 예수 그리스도의 이름으로 환영하고 축복합니다.
Corona, Ca

Caleb & Joan Tyler
Pastors Caleb and Joan were married in 1991 and have four children. They have served in lead pastoral ministry for over 20 years in various locations from Germany to church-planting in both Minnesota and California. As residents of the Corona Valley for 15 years, they have a heart and a calling for this area they call home.
Pastor Caleb is a gifted speaker, teacher, musician and Lead Pastor of the Corona congregation. He is passionate about God’s Word, making true disciples of Jesus and seeing God’s people walk in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. He is an Army veteran and a graduate of Biola University.
Pastor Joan serves in discipleship, Rock Groups and public relations. Joan completed a Masters in Library and Information Science, which has been invaluable in homeschooling their children.

Jose Luis & Estrella Lujan
Jose Luis Lujan se desempeñó como Gerente de Proyectos siendo titulado como Ingeniero Químico egresado de la UNAM durante 38 anos en México y California. En el 2015, decidió servir en el Ministerio de Tiempo completo en Therock. Estrella Lujan es egresada en la Ciudad de México como maestra de educación preescolar.
Los pastores Jose Luis y Estrella son graduados del Instituto Cristo para la Naciones, han servido por 28 anos juntos en el ministerio en México y California. Desarrollando un liderazgo en distintos ministerios : Matrimonios y Familia, Escuela para Padres, Escuela Bíblica Infantil ,Líderes de Alabanza y Adoración, capacitación de maestros y liderazgo ministerial. Coordinando eventos evangelísticos y de alcance en teatro, retiros matrimoniales y campamentos para niños.
Casados el 4 de Julio de 1987; tienen un hijo, David, estudiante y violinista, les ha apoyado en el ministerio de niños, multimedia, y actualmente en la Alabanza y Adoración, Ahora son los pastores líderes de la iglesia de The rock Corona en Español en California.
Garden Grove, Ca

Manny & Andrea Orozco
Los Pastores Manny y Andrea Orozco fueron parte del lanzamiento de la congregación "The Rock" en Anaheim al inicio de esta obra. Formando así parte del ministerio Juvenil. Manny y Andrea han servido al Distrito de las Iglesias Cuadrangulares en California y Arizona desempeñando liderazgo en varios ministerios: Ministerio Juvenil a nivel de Distrito, formando equipos misioneros en varias iglesias, Pastores de Alabanza y Adoración y actualmente proveyendo liderazgo como pastores principales.
Los Pastores Manny y Andrea celebraran 20 años de matrimonio este Diciembre y junto con su familia Victoria Alexis y Alejandro Manuel.

Robert & Yolie Arevalos
Part of The Rock’s first launch team, Pastors Yolie and Robert have ministered at the rock since 2000 serving as Kids’, Jr. High & High School pastors, recently serving as assistant pastors at the Seal Beach campus, where Robert also served as the Worship Pastor and as a songwriter for The Rock. With a heart for the nations, Yolie has also served as The Rock’s OSL International Director for over three years.
Serving in ministry for over 27 years, The Arevalos’ are passionate about fostering an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit gets to minister like only He can. Newly-appointed as the Lead Pastors of the Garden Grove English Congregation, they couldn’t be more thrilled about what God has in store. Together with their children, Virtuous, Victoria, Aaron and Nathan, they are expecting the Lord to do marvelous things!
Hesperia, Ca

Kevin & Jessica Harkins
Jessica came to the Rock in 2004 after interning with Pastor Kimberly at the International Offices and graduating from UCLA. She was an integral part of the launch team for Kalamazoo, Michigan, staying there for 5 years before returning to Anaheim to oversee OSL.
Kevin went to LIFE Pacific College and graduated in 2006. He served several years at Puyallup Foursquare in Washington in next-gen ministries before becoming a youth pastor at Downtown Chapel in Brea, Ca.
Kevin and Jessica have been married for two years. They spent 7 months in Miami, FL to help get The Rock Miami launched. Then a year in Manchester, England where Jessica completed a Masters in International Development, while continuing to serve with the launch of OSLOnline. Upon completing Jessica’s Masters they moved back to Southern California and were asked to be the campus pastors of The Rock in Hesperia, which launched January 1, 2016.
Lake Elsinore, Ca

Jonathan & Marlene Dirmann
Jonathan & Marlene Dirmann are the Lead Pastors of the Lake Elsinore congregation.
They were married on October 4th, 2014. Five months later, they were pregnant with their first child, a baby girl. Riley Summer Dirmann was born December 17th, 2015. They are now a family of three and are loving every second of it.
Jonathan & Marlene left the Anaheim campus to start and lead the youth ministry on the Lake Elsinore campus. After being married, they moved to Lake Elsinore to be closer to the youth. Over the next year, they fell deeply in love with the community and the people they were serving. They were announced as the Lead Pastors of the Lake Elsinore congregation January 3rd, 2016. They believe the Lord is calling them to reach the people of Lake Elsinore by supplying them with discipleship, community and unconditional love.
Santa Clarita, Ca

Ryan & Francesca Phillippi
Francesca and Ryan Phillippi were commissioned as Lead Pastors of The Rock, Santa Clarita in March of 2016. The Phillippis have a long history of service, faithfulness and leadership paired with an unrelenting passion for God's Word and life-transformation.
It is this passion that brought them together as members of the team at The Rock in Anaheim, CA, where they met and were married in 2010.
Francesca served in many capacities at The Rock after leaving a nine-year military career in 2002. She was most known for her administrative gifts as she served the office of the Sr. Pastor for many years. Francesca earned a BA from Life Pacific College (LPC) in San Dimas.
Ryan was a student at LPC when he started attending The Rock. His love for ministry led him to volunteer in many capacities before eventually becoming a member of the staff as well.
The Phillippis have two adorable children, Brooklyn and Preston, and they are excited for the journey ahead as their family partners with the plan of God for The Rock, Santa Clarita.
Seal Beach, Ca

Gareth & Alisa Richards
Gareth and Alisa were married in Sydney, Australia in 1999 after meeting at Hillsong Church. Having served many years in the Youth Ministry they felt a strong calling from the Lord to the US. They ministered as New People pastors at a Hillsong Church in Virginia Beach for three years. They then joined the Foursquare Family serving as Youth Pastors for 13 years and led the Northern Illinois District as Youth Directors. They have now joined our Rock Family sensing a strong calling to Pastor the Coastal Community of Orange County, believing the Lord is bringing a wave of revival!
Gareth and Alisa have two children, Savannah and Evan. They have a passion for family, and Marriage ministry as they have personally seen the Lord do miracles in and through their own family and marriage. Their life philosophy is to "Love God, Love Life and Love People!" They have a deep desire to raise up passionate Disciples of Christ who live a lifestyle of worship and purpose changing their world one life at a time!

Frank & Ligia Cardoza
Francisco y Ligia empezaron asistir The Rock en Anaheim en agosto 2000. Tuvieron una variedad de responsabilidades en el ministerio con el paso de los años. Fueron instalados como los pastores de la congregación española de Seal Beach en Pascua de 2012. Francisco y Ligia han estado casados desde 1986 y han sido bendecidos con cuatro hijos, un yerno, una nuera, y un nieto. La familia entera está sirviendo en The Rock.
Serving in ministry for over 27 years, The Arevalos’ are passionate about fostering an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit gets to minister like only He can. Newly-appointed as the Lead Pastors of the Garden Grove English Congregation, they couldn’t be more thrilled about what God has in store. Together with their children, Virtuous, Victoria, Aaron and Nathan, they are expecting the Lord to do marvelous things!
Battle Creek, Mi

Zach & Jessica Schneider
Raised in Michigan, Pastors’ Zach and Jessica Schneider had their lives transformed through the virtual teaching of Pastor Jerry Dirmann within a small church in Kalamazoo called The Rock. Since surrendering their lives to Jesus in 2009, they have served in various capacities at the church ranging from Kids Church, Youth Directors, Tech, People Care and Facilities. Zach was also a part of the Rock REVOLUTION Internship- then went on to be a director.
In the beginning of 2016, Zach & Jessica were commissioned as the Lead Pastors of the Battle Creek Campus in Michigan. They are passionate to see the people of Battle Creek come to Jesus. They have been married since 2008 and have 2 children, Caden (10) and Skylynn (8).
Kalamazoo, Mi

Daniel & Julia Davenport
Daniel and Julia joined the staff at The Rock in Anaheim in 2005. They served in a variety of roles, and have been the Lead Pastors of the Battle Creek satellite campus, since it's launch in October 2012.
Daniel and Julia have been married since 1996 and have 4 children--Abigail, Justice, Lydia and Titus.
St. Louis, Mo

David & Michele Turner
David and Michele Turner launched our St. Louis campus in October 2016.
Before this assignment, they pastored New Community Church in Glendora, CA for almost 8 years until the Lord called them to start churches in St. Louis, MO. They became pastors at The Rock in Anaheim, CA in January 2015 and were sent to St. Louis in April 2016. They both have BAs in Biblical Studies from Life Pacific College. David also has an MA in Theology from Azusa Pacific University and has taught at Life Pacific College since 2006 as an adjunct professor in Biblical Studies.
David and Michele were married in 2002 and have three amazing children: John David, Emma, and Joshua. They are passionate about helping people become whole in Christ and fulfill their God-given calling in life. They care deeply about people of all different backgrounds and ages and are passionately committed to teaching and living the truths of God’s word in the power of the Spirit.